Billing Procedures


The Brighton Township Municipal Authority (BTMA) and Brighton Township Sewage Authority (BTSA) bill jointly for water and sewer service. Bills are sent monthly to each account. The monthly base rate charge for a residential account is $38.50 for water and $44.00 for sewer. The Township is divided into three billing districts, and each month one district has a water meter reading. Therefore, each meter is read once every quarter (each three months) or four times per year. Any use over 12,000 gallons is classified as excess usage and is billed at a rate of $8.00 per 1,000 gallons of excess water and $11.00 per 1,000 gallons of excess sewage.


The bill shows a gross amount and a net amount. The net amount is the amount billed and due on the date shown on the left-hand portion of the bill. The gross amount is the amount due if payment is made after the due date, and includes a 10% penalty for late payment. Payment can be made with a single check made payable to “BTMA/BTSA” at the Municipal Building office, 1300 Brighton Road, between 8:00 a.m. to 4:30 p.m., Monday through Friday, through the payment drop box after hours and on weekends or holiday or by mail. Please enclose the payment stub with your payment.


The following codes will appear on your bill:



Service Codes


Water Arrears



Sewer Arrears
Water Credit



Sewer Credit
Water Monthly Charge



Sewer Monthly Charge
Water Excess Charge



Sewer Excess Charge
Water Penalty  
WPE SPE Sewer Penalty


On the month your meter is read the bill will show a Previous Reading, Present Reading, Consumption in Thousands, Code and Amount.  Any questions can be handled by calling (724) 774-4800 during regular business hours.


Delinquent Water & Sewage Account Policy Amended

The Municipal Authority and Sewage Authority have amended their Delinquent Account Policy to eliminate the sending of Late Notices. Delinquent water and sewage charges are included on the bill card sent monthly to each account.  Therefore, the sending of Late Notices was a duplicate effort.


Prior to service termination, delinquent accounts will continue to receive a certified mail Shut-Off Notice providing an opportunity to pay the amount in arrears. A Shut-Off Notice will be posted on the property just prior to service termination. Fees for delinquent collections will be added to the customer account and remain as follows:


Certified Mailing – $20.00

Delinquent Posting – $15.00

Delinquent Water Turn-Off – $20.00

Delinquent Water Turn-On – $20.00


The Municipal and Sewage Authorities have options for prompt and quick payments of your water and sewage charges to help you avoid late fees or penalties that can occur as a result of delays that can occur with mail service. Visit the Water Sewage Authorities Page to review the options available.