Brighton Township Comprehensive Planning Process


Brighton Township has a rich history of planning and has placed great emphasis on all aspects of community planning. Most recently, the 2021 Brighton Township Implementable Comprehensive Plan was adopted by the Board of Supervisors in December 2021. To complete the Plan a Steering Committee was appointed to work with the Brighton Township Planning Commission and Envision Group LLC, a professional planning consultant. The Plan was prepared using the planning principals identified in the Pennsylvania Department of Community Development’s (DCED) “Creating an Implementable Comprehensive Plan.” This process focused on identifying community issues, steps to address the issues, persons or groups responsible for addressing the issues, and a timetable for implementation that identifies short, medium, and long range efforts. The emphasis was on determining the needs and desires of the community rather than a fit into a traditional comprehensive plan format.


A copy of the plan can be accessed by clicking here.


The Plan is not an ordinance and does not regulate the use of land. However, the Zoning Code is to be generally consistent with the Plan. The Plan will be used as a guide for community development and conservation goals, and to provide strategies to attain those goals.




PDF icon Bicycle Network Master Plan

PDF icon Two Mile Run Park Master Plan 2014

PDF icon Greenway Plan 2016