Brighton Township Ordinance No. 97 sets forth rules of conduct and regulations applicable to all Township parks and recreation areas. Brighton Township Police are charged with the enforcement of the ordinance which provides for fines of up to $1,000 for each violation. Parks are open to all Township residents and guests daily from sunrise until sunset throughout the year, unless a later time is approved in advance. The following is a partial list of activities specifically prohibited:
Disturbing the peace, using threatening, abusive, insulting or profane language.
Fires, except in facilities provided for such purpose.
Dogs or horses or any other domesticated animals.
Minibikes, snowmobiles or ATVs.
Bicycles on or around any playing field or surface.
Climbing on fences, backstops or buildings.
Cleaning, polishing, greasing or repairing vehicles.
Possession and/or use of alcoholic beverages unless approved by a permit or rental agreement.
Being under the influence of alcoholic beverages or drugs.
Drugs which are possessed in violation of law.
Littering and damaging or defacing property.
Carrying or discharging any firecrackers or fireworks.
This is a summary of the ordinance and should not be considered a complete or conclusive listing of prohibited activities or conduct in Township owned or leased park and recreation areas. A complete copy of the ordinance is available for public inspection at the Municipal Building.