Brighton Township has entered into a contract with J. Young Refuse for the collection of all residential refuse and recycling within Brighton Township. Contact information is as follows:
John H. Young, Jr.
J. Young Refuse
6129 Tuscarawas Road
Industry, PA 15052
(724) 495-6199
Effective July 1, 2024 the refuse/recycling collection rate will be $12.96 per month.
Remember that additional fees are assessed for services other than curbside collection (backyard or at door service where specific contract restrictions apply) or streets that were not specified for curb service in the bid contract.
Glass is no longer accepted in the recycling program. Place all glass materials in your regular garbage for collection. Glass bottles, jars, and other items can be collected at the Brady’s Run Recycling Center. Contact the Beaver County Recycling Center at 724-770-2064 for operating hours and more information.
Mandatory Participation – Each residential unit is required to participate in the contracted refuse and recycling collection program. Brighton Township is also mandated by State law to provide curbside collection of recyclables to each residential unit. Township ordinance requires mandatory participation in these programs. As the contracted hauler provides the Township with the names and addresses of non-participants, notices will be sent. Continued non-participation can result in the filing of an enforcement notice with potential fines of not less than $100 or more than $600, plus costs of prosecution, for each violation.
Crush & Flatten Recycled Materials – With more items able to be recycled and the increase in participation, it is more important than ever to crush and/or flatten plastic containers, aseptic containers, and any other items that can be flattened. These type of containers and items take up a lot of space and limit the volume of recycling that can be collected within the recycling truck. Crushing and flattening the recycled items reduces the time and cost associated with the collection of our recycling.
Electronics Not Accepted for Curbside Waste Collection – Pursuant to the Pennsylvania Covered Device Recycling Act, no person may dispose of a covered device or any of its components with their municipal solid waste. These devices and their components must be properly recycled and may not be taken to, nor accepted by, landfills for disposal. Covered electronic devices include computers, laptops, monitors, televisions, cell phones, usp batteries and related equipment such as modems, routers, networking equipment, etc.
Beaver County Department of Waste Management Recycling Center in Brady’s Run Park will also accept electronic equipment for disposal for a fee. Call 724-770-2064 for the collection schedule and fees.
The law also requires manufacturers of electronics to provide for the collection and recycling of these devices by establishing special collection events or mail back programs. Check with electronic stores where you may be purchasing new items to see if they accept older equipment. You can find more information on registered manufacturers and where to recycle covered devices at under “electronics recycling”.
Excluded Items – Contract specifications require the collection of rubbish and other bulky waste. Bulky waste includes appliances, furniture, furnishings, rugs/carpets (when cut in lengths of not more than 4-feet and placed in rolls, not to exceed 6 rolls), toilets, and other items. However, there are items excluded from collection. Following is a list of items excluded from curbside collection as part of the contract. However, this list should not be considered as a final complete list, as there is always the chance that an unforeseen circumstance or item has not been considered. Refuse should be placed for collection in bags not exceeding 40 pounds or 40 gallons in size.
Excluded items are: Glass, Tires, Yard Waste, Christmas Trees, Construction Debris, Vehicle Parts or Batteries, Paints, Liquids or Fluids and Hazardous Wastes. Loose debris must be in a box or bag. The contractor will not be required to pick-up loose debris. No steel or iron posts or rods that may damage garbage packers. Contractors are not expected to dismantle items placed out for collection. Items specified as items to be separated for recycling are not to be commingled with refuse for the purpose of being discarded.
Items containing Freon gas will not be picked up unless the gas or other cooling material has been properly removed in accordance with applicable laws and proof is provided to the collector.
Recycling – The collectors will continue to collect recycling curbside every other week. Residents are to use an easily identifiable green container for placement of the recycling. Holes should be placed in the bottom of the container for drainage. Please do not fill large containers so it becomes a risk for injury to the collector. Recycling bins are available for purchase at the Township Office for a cost of $10.00. Recycling is mandatory under state law and enforceable by Township ordinance. Recyclable items that are prepared improperly, or are mixed with household refuse, will not be collected, or will be disposed of with the refuse. Each of you can help improve the success rate of the Township’s recycling program.
Christmas Trees are an excluded item in the Township’s refuse collection contract. However, residents can drop off Christmas trees at no charge at the Township’s yard waste site located at 1250 Brighton Road. Trees must be removed from any tree bag and have all tinsel or other decorations removed.
Preparation of your recycling materials is very important for an effective recycling program. For information on the types of materials Brighton Township recycles and the proper way to prepare the materials, click here: Recycling Is Easy.
Your waste disposal company picks up recycling items on a two-week cycle.
Leaf Waste Collection – Brighton Township provides a curbside collection program in the fall and spring for leaf waste to comply with, and implement, State regulations that mandate curbside recycling, including yard waste.
The collection of leaves and yard waste has been established as a fee-based program whereby residents purchase biodegradable paper collection bags at a cost of $2.00 each within which the leaves, garden residues, shrubbery clippings or tree trimmings must be placed. Bags must be placed at the curb on collection days to be designated. Bags are pre-sold at the Municipal Building. Bags utilized must be purchased from the Township, and not be from another source, such as a home improvement store. Watch for newspaper announcements of the collection dates and when the leaf bags will be available for purchase.
Participation in the curbside collection program is optional. With 75 miles of roads, curbside collection of leaves and other yard waste is a significant undertaking for the Township, and is costly, in terms of labor and equipment operation. Therefore, it is hoped that many homeowners will continue to use the drop-off site, or compost the leaves in their own yards. The yard waste drop-off site operates year-round on an annual permit basis.