In conjunction with the 911 emergency telephone system and in the best interests of the public health, safety and welfare of our residents, our Township Supervisors have adopted an ordinance for the purpose of establishing a uniform numbering system of all building in the Township. Display of house numbers shall be in accordance with the following standards.
Except for a building located at a distance greater than 50 feet from the nearest public roadway, each building to which a house number has been assigned shall have the house number displayed upon the building, and, at the owners option, upon a post within 20 feet of the public roadway. All other buildings shall have the house number displayed upon a post within 20 feet of the public highway.
The assigned house number shall be either affixed directly to the building or post or displayed upon a sign affixed to the building or post. The house number shall be displayed in such a manner that the numbers will contrast in color with the background and will be observed and readable by those traveling in either direction on the adjoining public street or other thoroughfare providing access to the building, i.e., signage required on both sides of a mailbox. All numbers shall be in standard Arabic numbers, not less than 3 inches in height, and shall be reflective for greater nighttime visibility.
If, for any reason, the house number of a particular building is not readily identifiable by posted signage along the roadway whether due to the proximity of multiple buildings with different house numbers or some other reason, then the house number should be affixed to the building as well as posted by the road. Similarly, if a single building has multiple house numbers or apartment numbers, such as professional building or apartments, a building directory should be posted at the main entrance of the building.
The numbers shall be so placed that they will not be obstructed by trees, shrubbery, porches or any extension of the building.
An application for house number signs sponsored by The Beaver County Fire Chief’s Association is available on the Applications & Forms Page. However, there is no requirement to purchase your signs from this source.
Please, help us find you! Post your house number today!