Planning / Zoning


Name Term Ending
William L. Snider



Jeffrey S. Maze Vice Chairman


Karen Green




Tim O’Brien

Board Member


Christopher Dugan

Board Member


Jeffrey S. Maze Board Member 12/31/25
Mark Piccirilli
Board Member


John Wattick Board Member 12/31/27
Garen Fedeles, Esq. Solicitor

Santicola, Steele, & Fedeles

722 Turnpike St.

Beaver, PA  15009


Brighton Township Planning Commission members are appointed by the  Board of Supervisors and serve four (4) year terms. The Commission acts as an advisory body to the Board of Supervisors. The Commission reviews all subdivision, land development and conditional use applications prior to review and action by the Board of Supervisors. The Commission regularly reviews the Township’s zoning, subdivision and land development codes for amendments and updates.

Meetings are held on the first (1st) Monday of every month at 7:30 p.m. in the Municipal Building, 1300 Brighton Road. Please call the Township office at (724) 774-4803 to confirm meeting dates and times as they are subject to change. Applications for plan review must be submitted a minimum of fifteen (15) days prior to the Commission meeting to be placed upon the agenda.

All meetings are open to the public. All are invited to attend as we plan for our community.